About Us

Frequently Asked Questions

Once I place an order, when will my account be charged?

If you place an order on our store, you will be charged for the full cost of your order immediately. If you see any additional pending charges on your account, please allow up to 3 business days for them to reverse. If they do not reverse and you believe there has been a billing error, please reach out to us at [email protected]. Alternatively, if your order is declined because of a payment issue, any temporary transaction will be removed within approximately 3 business days.

Can I place an order over the phone?

We can only accept orders placed through the website. If you’re having trouble accessing the site for any reason, please reach out to us at [email protected] and we’ll do our best to help.

Can I get a different size or color than what is offered through the store?

No. If a size, color, or other variant doesn’t appear online, it is not currently available.

What happens if you run out of stock of an item I’ve already ordered?

In rare cases when an item runs out of stock after your order is placed, we’ll contact you ASAP to exchange the affected item for another of equal value. We make every effort to ensure inventory is accurate to avoid this happening. Note that if we don’t get a response from you within 5 business days, we reserve the right to refund your order in full.

What if the item I ordered arrives and it doesn’t look like the photo on the store?

Sometimes the images used on the store are digital mock-ups of what the product is intended to look like. This will typically vary once the product is created and shipped out. In other cases, products are hand-dyed, or otherwise created using processes that by definition vary from item to item. As a result, each item may look a little different from others of the same design. Where this is the case we’ll do our best to let you know up front!
Feel free to reach out to our team at [email protected] if you feel that the product you received differs greatly from the digital mock-up on the store. Be sure to send a photo or two so our team can see the difference to better help you.
Digital music purchases are non-refundable.
Once you complete a purchase of downloadable or streaming music, the sale is final, complete and non-refundable. Under no circumstances will the portion of your order that contains digital music be refundable.
If you have trouble accessing the music, please email our customer care team and we will ensure that you can access the music.